Is the word of the Lord rare in these days?
1 Samuel 3:1-10(11-20)
Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17
Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17
If Samuel was like most small boys, he was probably quite
wriggly and often got up and down during the night with dreams and worries and
fanciful ideas. It’s not surprising that Eli didn’t immediately understand that
it was God who was calling to him, especially since it was a time when “the word of the LORD was rare in those
days; visions were not widespread.”
Visions don’t seem to
be particularly widespread in our day either. And we aren’t especially used to
God calling to us whatever the time of day or night. Perhaps like Eli our
spiritual eyes and ears have grown dim. Yet all of us have in one way or
another heard Jesus saying “follow me.” It may not have been very clear or obvious,
and we may not be wholehearted in our response, but we would not be here today
unless there had been something or in this case, someone, who called us here.
So the question is; how
can we be more attuned to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and how do we discern
what we are being called to?
The first step, as
always, is willingness. Sometimes God breaks into our lives unexpectedly but since
God never forces herself on us, on some level the soul must be willing first.
Since we are made in God’s image we are free beings – our freedom is limited by
the world in which we live, but we always have free will. God never coerces us.
God never sends us off to darkest Africa totally against our will. If we want
to hear God speaking to us then we need to be willing to hear and to listen.
The second step, is to
be attentive to what we hear when we think we hear it. The voice of the Holy
Spirit is nearly always quiet, whereas the voice of the culture or the voice of
our own little ego is often loud. The voice of the Holy Spirit is always
loving, and it is always maturely
loving, which can on occasion be difficult to separate out from the roar of our
own hopes and aspirations and desires. Sometimes we just have to take a risk,
hoping that what we are hearing is the Spirit of God and not just our own
imagining. As I go through my day whenever I have unscheduled time I try to
hear how God is calling me to use it. Sometimes it seems that I get it right –
other times I might go out of my way to call on someone only to find that
they’re not home.
For some reason God
never tells me to file my papers or tidy my desk. This may be for the same reason that God
doesn’t tell me what clothes to wear each day. I think God expects us to behave
like sensible human beings without continually giving us clues or prompting us
to do the right thing. Which isn’t to suggest that the Holy Spirit is not
interested in the small details of our lives. As the psalm we read indicated,
God is indeed very interested and knows us more intimately than we know
ourselves, but I think that we don’t need to sweat the small stuff.
If we get up every
morning and ask God to show us today how best we can serve; if we live our
lives in a constant attitude of willingness to serve, then we will be guided
and prompted and just going about the regular activities of everyday life we
will be used by the Spirit to further God’s reign.
The third step in
discernment is to check our intuition and inklings with trusted people. Sometimes
I get a brilliant idea about something we could do here at St Ben’s. If the
idea sticks around in my mind, I check it out with other people – especially those
whom I think might be interested or might be involved. Sometimes I get a
positive response, sometimes I don’t, sometimes the idea gets modified and
improved. None of us comes to God alone – we are all deeply connected - and so thoughtful
and prayerful input from other people is often very helpful. Even if we
disagree with it, it helps to deepen our own thought process and to refine our
ability to listen.
Sometimes it seems as
though the Holy Spirit takes us in one direction and then suddenly brings us up
We have faithfully discerned God’s
will to the best of our ability, we have followed all the steps and then wham,
the door closes in front of us. It happened to me recently when it suddenly
became very obvious that as President of Integrity, the national organization for
lesbian, gay and transgender people, I could no longer work with the Executive
Director. The relationship between us had completely broken down. Yet I had
thought it was God’s will for me to be in that position, and in many ways I
enjoyed it. It was a painful time but I was greatly helped by the Methodist covenant
prayer which I have shared with you before, with its amazing declaration of
me to what you will, rank me with whom you will;
me to doing, put me to suffering;
me be employed for you, or laid aside for you,
for you, or brought low for you.
When we can live with that degree of
willingness to participate in God’s mission rather than our own, then
discernment takes on a whole different dimension, becoming part of our regular
rhythm, just like breathing.
As a young adult, I was deeply
concerned about God’s will for my life – thinking of it in terms of further
education and career. When someone told me “God’s will for your life is in the
Bible,” it puzzled me to no end. The Bible contains very few career choices for
Pondering it years later, I realized
that in a way she was right. But “God’s will” meant something totally different
for each of us. I was asking “What is God calling me to do with the 50 plus
years ahead of me?” She was answering, “Who is God calling you to be?”
There is no question who God is
calling us to be. God is calling us to be Christ-like men and women, filled with
the Holy Spirit and living lives of simplicity, service and spiritual discipline,
just like Jesus, and yes you can find all that in the Bible. The question “What
would Jesus do?” is both profound and silly. It is silly because there is no
way to know which model car Jesus would drive or what career he would follow or
whether he would be vegetarian. It is profound, because it calls us back to
Gospel values. “What would Jesus do in this situation?” is also a way of saying,
“what is the most loving thing to do now?” or “What is God calling me to?”
But in the moment we are often too
busy reacting to be able to even ask the questions. And that is where spiritual
practice comes in. Learning to sit in silence, allowing your thoughts to pass without
getting involved with them, is a difficult task but one which then allows you a
little space between an event and your reaction. A little space which is enough
for you to hear God calling you to respond in a different way. A little space
in which you can ask “what would Jesus do?”
And as each one of us opens up more
and more to the Spirit of God, asking for guidance, asking to be used in furthering
the reign of God, right here where we live, right here in the midst of the
humdrum activities of living, right here in the stress of the 21st
Century; I believe that “The word of the LORD will become normal in our
days; visions will be widespread and we may even “see heaven opened and the
angels of God ascending and descending” upon the children of God.