All is Well
Medieval Christians took dying very seriously.
Probably because death was all around them in an in-your-face kind of way that
we can scarcely imagine. It was a time of wars, plagues and famines. Disease
was rampant and people died in their homes, in the ditches, in the marketplaces
in unpleasant and very public ways. So for them a holy death was as important as
a holy life. In the 16th century the Ars
Moriendi or art of dying provided a focus for Anglican spiritual writers such
as Jeremy Taylor whose classic work Holy Living and Holy Dying is still
published today.
Today is the feast of All Souls, celebrated in the
Mexican tradition as the Day of the Dead and we are celebrating both All Saints
and All Souls; holding together in tension the fact that our mortal bodies wear
out and we die, at the same time as the knowledge that we are given eternal
life and a future in paradise.
In the 16th century, Jeremy Taylor wrote
God gives us time,
by succession, by parts and little periods. For it is very remarkable, that God
who giveth plenteously to all creatures, he hath scattered the firmament with
stars, as a man sows corn in his fields, in a multitude bigger than the capacities
of human order; he hath made so much variety of creatures, and gives us great
choice of meats and drinks, although any one of both kinds would have served
our needs, and so in all instances of nature; yet in the distribution of our
time God seems to be straighthanded, and gives it to us, not as nature gives us
rivers, enough to drown us, but drop by drop, minute after minute, so that we
never can have two minutes together, but he takes away one when he gives us
another. This should teach us to value our time, since God so values it. and,
by his so small distribution of it, tells us it is the most precious thing we
have. Since, therefore, in the day of our death we can have still but the same
little portion of this precious time, let us in every minute of our life, I
mean in every discernible portion, lay up such a stock of reason and good
works, that they may convey a value to the imperfect and shorter actions of our
death-bed, while God rewards the piety of our lives by his gracious acceptation
and benediction upon the actions preparatory to our death-bed.[1]
It’s very different language from ours but the
message is simple: value the time you have and use it to live the holy life
that God is calling you to.
I have a tendency to leave things to the last
minute. This All Saints/All Souls combo is a reminder to me that we cannot
leave our spiritual lives until tomorrow. Tomorrow may not come. Tomorrow we
may need the spiritual practice that we have been putting off. We may need it in
order to sustain our hope as everything we hold dear crumbles around us.
The literature that has developed around death and
dying in recent years has challenged us to think about what we want to make of
our lives and to do it now rather than wait because none of us knows how long
we will live. Often the unspoken assumption is that death will come suddenly
and swiftly. That happens, but my observation is that for most of us death
comes slowly and inexorably and sometimes delays beyond our patience. It is
rarely an easy process. Few of us will die quietly sitting in our armchairs
watching our favorite football team.
Taylor believed that we need to practice holy living so that we might experience
holy dying and be resurrected to spend eternity with Christ in glory. I would suggest that eternity will take care
of itself; we need to be walking our talk today, here and now because when
things get tough before we die we will need all the resources of character and
all the spiritual fruits we can muster. Mary Oliver’s wonderful poem When Death
Comes [2]reminds us
to live to the fullest – “I don't want
to end up simply having visited this world.” But also in a way that gives us confidence. She
want to step through the door full of curiosity, wondering:
is it going to be like, that cottage of darkness?
Meeting death with confidence comes from
having developed such a close and loving relationship with our Creator that we
know that all is well, today and everyday. Confidence comes from having walked
a path of dependence upon God for so many days and years that when illness comes,
even when death seems to tarry too long, we will know that all is well.
For the message of the gospel, the
message of All Saints and All Souls is just that; all is well.
[2] "When Death Comes," by Mary Oliver, from New and Selected Poems (Beacon Press).
loved your sermon. thanks for introducing Taylor to me. I went and got his books.
Dennis, at 5:39 PM
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