Bread = Jesus
Ephesians 3:14-21
A while back, I visited a Unity church in the Bay Area. It
was a clear, warm morning and so I wasn’t surprised when the worship leader
started by saying what a beautiful morning it was. “On a morning like this”,
she said, ‘I wake up with my heart full of joy and I just want to say Thank
you, Thank you… to my self.”
I was astonished. Thank you to myself! I was praising God
not my self. Later I talked to the friend whose church it was, and she said,
“Well there’s really no difference.” I beg to differ.
Certainly the Holy Spirit dwells within those of us who have
enrolled in the kingdom of God ,
as the reading from Ephesians says, we are strengthened in our inner beings with
power through his Spirit, and Christ dwells in our hearts through faith. But that’s very different from saying
that I, myself, am God. Yet we live in a culture which emphasizes the
importance of self-esteem, of personal achievement, of individual choice.
We have been
reading the Gospel of Mark. But today there is a change. We’re in John, beginning
to read John Chapter 6. The next five weeks will be devoted to this chapter
which talks about Jesus as the bread of life. John starts his account of Jesus’
teaching by telling us about the great miracle of the feeding of a large crowd
– other gospellers tell us it was five thousand plus women and children.
Here we see in
physical form the teaching we are about to hear – Jesus feeds the people. Jesus
gives bread which, when broken, multiplies so that when everyone is full there
is more left over than there was to begin with.
What is it with
Jesus and bread?
At the beginning
of the Exodus, the original Passover, the people took unleavened bread because
there wasn’t time to make bread with yeast, and ever since, unleavened bread
has been a symbol of the Passover. In the desert, when they were hungry, the
Hebrews received manna – a bread from a
heaven – to sustain them. Jesus broke bread and fed more than five thousand; he
blessed the bread at the Last Supper and said it was his body; he made himself
known to the disciples on the road to Emmaus by breaking bread. At the very
beginning of his ministry, Jesus told Satan “Mankind does not live by bread
alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
Bread is a symbol
of that which sustains us. If Jesus had been born in Asia no doubt he would have described himself
as rice, but in the Middle
East , like here,
bread is the staple. So Jesus is the food which sustains us. Jesus is the Word
of God. We do not live by physical bread alone but by the ongoing creative
presence of the Word of God, of Jesus the Christ, living in our world and
bringing us life in our hearts and minds. Notice that it’s not an either/or –
Jesus did feed the people, he didn’t just teach them. Mankind lives by bread and the word of God.
We symbolize that
here whenever we make Eucharist together. We listen to the word of God in the
scriptures and then we meet with God in the symbolic feast of bread and wine;
Christ’s body and blood given for us, and in the process we are ourselves are
turned into the Body of Christ.
We are what we
eat. As we feast on the word of God and let it digest in our hearts, as we eat
the Eucharistic bread and let it digest in our stomachs, so we are transformed
and become more and more the Christ-like beings that God made us to be. Which
means becoming one with God.
But this is very
different from saying that I am God. When we think or act as if we are God, we have displaced God from
God’s rightful place. We have made an idol of ourselves.
Our physical
bodies are dependent upon food and water. Starve us and before long we weaken
and die. On a spiritual level we are as dependent upon God for our lives as on
a physical level we are dependent upon food. When we turn our backs on God
again and again we wither as surely as if we turn away from food. It may not
seem that way at first – often people who fast remark on higher physical energy
levels – but as we refuse to listen to the Spirit; as we refuse to feed
ourselves through word and sacrament so we weaken and our spirits become mean,
grasping, and turned inward.
I am not
suggesting that the only way people are fed by Spirit is to come to church. But
there is a special gift that only comes when the people of God gather together
intentionally. I can eat on my own at home and get all the nutrients I need.
But when I gather with others for dinner or another special meal, there is a
joy and a connection that nourishes me in a different way. So it is when I pray
and study on my own – it is good, but it is even better when I get to share the
journey and experience with others.
The spiritual
journey is both solitary and communal. We commune with God in the privacy of
our own hearts, but there are times when God can only fully manifest divine
purpose when we gather together to pray, to worship and to serve. There is
tremendous power in our joining together to praise God.
There is
tremendous power when we come together with hearts full of joy and we say
“Thank you God”.
Let’s all say
that together…
Thank you for posting the sermons. I appreciate reading them when I am away.
Hope-Full, at 10:58 AM
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